Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, energy prices are skyrocketing, inflation is galloping away and the ECB is raising its key interest rate at a historic pace. This is creating financial burdens for the economy and society that most can hardly bear now that the two-year corona pandemic is over.
At the RDA Annual Conference from 24th - 26th October 2022 in Mannheim, we will talk and discuss with renowned and top-class experts about the Ukraine war and its consequences, the desire to travel in times of crisis, the holiday potential of coach travel, insolvency protection in difficult times, the situation of incoming tourism after COVID-19 and the current state of development of electrified coaches. We will also visit the EvoBus production site and the grounds of BUGA 23 in Mannheim.
The RDA Annual General Meeting, which will take place during the RDA Annual Conference, will deal with association matters and news about the RDA. The documents for the RDA Annual General Meeting will be sent separately.
Secure your place for the RDA Annual Conference 2022 in Mannheim today. Exciting presentations and issues, interesting excursions and an attractive supporting programme will inspire you.
You can find the detailed programme and the corresponding registration form for the RDA Annual Conference 2022 here for download.