European Commission aims to reduce transport emissions by 90% by 2050

Climate Protection

European Commission aims to reduce transport emissions by 90%European transport should become more sustainable and intelligent more quickly, according to the declared aim of the European Commission in its Communication "A European Green Deal" of 11.12.2019.

As transport is responsible for around a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, the Commission intends to present a strategy for sustainable and intelligent mobility in 2020, which will include proposals for all modes of transport to significantly reduce emissions.

For example, multimodal transport should help to make transport more efficient, road freight transport should be largely shifted to rail and inland waterways and the Single European Sky (SES) should be implemented.
Automated and networked multimodal transport, intelligent transport systems, the polluter-pays principle in all modes of transport, road pricing, possibly alternative proposals instead of the Eurovignette, but also the production and use of alternative fuels and the development of the infrastructure of public charging stations and petrol stations are mentioned by the Commission as measures.

The Commission intends to counteract environmental pollution in cities by means of stricter emission limits for vehicles with internal combustion engines and at least to consider extending the European emissions trading system to road transport. Overall, the new EU Commission wants the EU to become climate neutral by 2050.

RDA President Benedikt Esser: "We will take a close look at the details of the package of measures. It is regrettable that the Commission makes no mention of the environmentally friendly bus in its concept. This is a particular incentive for RDA and EACT to give the bus its rightful place as the number one climate protector in Brussels in the context of the targeted reduction of transport emissions".

The corresponding texts can be downloaded here:

Climate Protection
